Where Discovery Creates Hope – May 2022
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Sleep troubles weren’t new to Allan Moon. But when he hit his wife’s jaw in his sleep, he knew it was time to seek help.
After his diagnosis of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Allan was thrilled to find out an expert on the disorder was close by.
Dr. Michael Howell, a University of Minnesota Physician, helped Allan better understand his diagnosis. With a mix of medication and treatment for his sleep apnea, today he’s finally sleeping better.
And Allan isn’t alone. On any given day, 30 percent of adults experience worsened performance due to lack of quality sleep.
Thankfully, RBD treatment is 90 percent effective in patients. That’s why Howell stresses the importance of seeking out expert help.
“It’s terrifying for people to experience this,” he said. “You’re not crazy. You’re just like everybody else with one exception: You lost the switch in your brainstem that keeps you from acting out your dreams.”