University of St. Thomas

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Campaign duration

Jan 2024 - ongoing




Rich Media Narratives


Social Media


Storytelling / Copywriting



The University of Minnesota Medical School wanted Minnesotans to understand their contributions to the state of Minnesota and educate them about the benefits of academic medicine. They wanted their brand to promise hope, and to be recognized as thought leaders.


Working with the University of Minnesota Medical School’s team, we crafted Where Discovery Creates Hope, a content marketing campaign that established their brand – and that explained the benefits of academic medicine. The multimedia series told stories of hope by providing an inside look at what the team of doctors do every day to provide the best possible care for patients across the state.

In the third year of the campaign, we modified it to draw a tighter connection between the medical school’s faculty and the faculty group practice in which they practice. In part, this was accomplished by adding “Look for the M” as a call to action and a stylized, “M” QR code.

Related Projects:

Mayo Clinic “Health Highlights

Minnesota Vikings "Students on the Sidelines"

Science Museum of Minnesota “Together We Discover

St. Cloud State University “It’s Time

U of M Medical School “Where Discovery Creates Hope

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